An Opportunity For IT Leaders To Gain Leadership Attention, Support, and Funding


    Innovation Vista has released a potentially controversial article “Innovation Capital: Beyond “Last year + x%” IT Budgeting”, bringing some cause for concern, as the article may upset There is a natural tendency among business leaders (particularly among CFOs) to measure IT budgets vs. the previous year..

    The 1450 words article examines the high points and low points of Two Different Types of IT costs call for Two Different Mindsets, in the pursuit of providing IT Budgeting is Part Art, Part Science, Part Tedium – But it’s also an Opportunity for C-suite. In typical manner though, a certain element of the article is set to spark discontent amongst CFOs.

    Below is a portion of the piece, which neatly exemplifies the controversial element:

    Expanding to new markets, developing new products and services, acquiring and upgrading equipment and tools, etc… capital investments in innovation & technology are key to real growth, especially top line growth. Business leaders are accustomed to thinking in these terms, and are usually more open to these kinds of conversations and proposals than most IT leaders realize.

    A spokesperson for Innovation Vista, Jeff Roberts, says “Of course Innovation Vista never sets out to intentionally upset anybody. The aim of our articles is first and foremost to make it clear that the budget cycle presents a unique opportunity to IT leaders to gain leadership attention, support, and funding to move their organizations in innovative directions. One size does not fit all, which makes this process (and innovation overall) a significant challenge; but what is challenging is also an opportunity, because it means many of a company’s competitors will fail to grasp the opportunity.. It is critical, however, that we stay dedicated to our true voice.

    Although our “Innovation Capital: Beyond “Last year + x%” IT Budgeting” might unsettle There is a natural tendency among business leaders (particularly among CFOs) to measure IT budgets vs. the previous year., our duty is to our readers. We believe it’s more important to Whether in the “lights on” budget category or the Innovation Capital projects, we strongly prefer a “bottom up” approach to tech budgeting. This may lead to the company being well above or below the “industry average” for their space, but it ensures the leadership knows exactly why they’re at the level they’ve chosen., than to please everyone. Which is notoriously difficult to do.”

    Although there has been no backlash as of yet, the possibility exists as the article The format and presentation of these “lights on” budget components can and should remain fairly static year to year. This is in full contrast to Innovation Capital project proposals, which by their nature will likely be different in number, scale, type, &/or impact each year. For this reason, they should also be outside of “IT budget vs. last year” comparisons, although they do need their own discipline and organized accountability..

    Innovation Vista has been a provider of in depth articles in the CIOs market for 2 years.

    Innovation Vista has stated the future aims for the website are uncover an innovate ways to budget for innovation. So Innovation Vista hopes any controversy will pass quickly and re-emphasizes no offence is or was intended.

    Innovation Vista’s complete article can be found at