Get The Best Walnut Creek CA AI Home Security To Protect Your Property


    If you think your home is safe just because you work with a home security provider, you may be wrong. Traditional systems can’t stop a break-in – they’re just too slow. Check out this report to find out more about Deep Sentinel, the only AI-based security system that can literally stop criminals before they break into your home!

    Kriggs, a company specializing in high-quality home security solutions, launched a full report on Deep Sentinel, a cutting-edge home security system which combines the efficiency of AI data analysis with the prompt emergency response team of live human security agents. The report includes important statistical data on the efficiency of using a home security system, as well as the potential issues with standard systems.

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    The latest report aim to provide modern homeowners with practical information on how to keep their homes safe using the latest advances in home security.

    According to the report, traditional home security systems fail to provide the prompt response needed in real life break-in situations.

    The report explains: “The inherent flaw in traditional systems is that they don’t do anything until the break-in has already happened. The alarm goes off only after a door or window sensor has been triggered and the burglar is inside your house. The cameras record as a stranger rifles through your personal belongings, but does nothing to stop him or her. The crime has not been prevented or deterred, only detected and recorded.”

    Deep Sentinel is a cutting-edge home security solution which uses advanced AI to promptly identify any type of suspicious activity.

    The system automatically alerts live security agents, which are able to address the potential burglar using both audio and video systems.

    The report explains that this is often enough to stop perpetrators. If they continue, the agents automatically alert the police, thus increasing the chance of prompt and optimal response.

    Deep Sentinel ensures a response time of less than 30 seconds between identifying suspicious activity and alerting the authorities – a crucial reduction from the several minutes required by standard home security systems.

    Deep Sentinel is easy to set up and uses cloud storage for all its video and audio recordings. The system is so effective that it has been backed by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, the main Deep Sentinel investor.

    With the latest update, Kriggs continues to expand its range of high-quality home security resources for modern homeowners.

    Click on the link above for more information.