Protect Your Home More Effectively With 24/7 Deep Sentinel Surveillance


    Research shows that 60% of criminals will avoid a house with a visible camera. However, that still leaves 40% willing to take the risk.

    So what can you do to protect your family and loved ones? This is where the Deep Sentinel home security system can help.

    It offers cutting edge crime verification, 24/7 monitoring, and super fast response times. That means less time spent chasing up the delivery man, and more time catching real criminals!

    Deep Sentinel provides real human guards watching the cameras in real time, and helps safeguard against home intrusion, vehicle tampering, trespassing and more.

    Further details can be found at:

    The newly launched guide covers the problems that many people face with their existing security systems. It then goes on to highlight what differentiates Deep Sentinel.

    Home Security Focus shows how Deep Sentinel works through a combination of cutting edge AI and live guards. The cameras are able to stream within seconds to local AI, which then triggers live guards being able to watch every time someone enters or exits the home.

    One of the key benefits of this system is that it provides an instant response. Guards are able to engage the criminals within moments, and police can be alerted much faster.

    Deep Sentinel is therefore a personal virtual guard for any property or vehicle. It is fully wireless, with a wide field of view, and comes with a 2-way speaker and mic for real-time intervention.

    Because it provides monitoring on a 24/7 basis, it allows for a much more secure monitoring system that can get better results for customers.

    The newly launched guide explains that 60% of burglars will avoid houses with a security system. However, that still leaves 40% who are willing to take the chance.

    With this in mind, it’s important to safeguard a property with the best surveillance available.

    Deep Sentinel separates itself from the competition with verified crime functionality. This allows the customers and the police to weed out false threats such as pets, visitors, animals and other issues.

    The guide states: “A home security system is better than no home security system, but without real-time human verification and engagement, it’s a false sense of security at best. Deep Sentinel involvement means real-time steps to engage, deter, and alert police as the situation is unfolding beyond the front door.”

    Full details can be found on the URL above.