Safeguard Your Home With Deep Sentinel AI Monitoring Security System


    With Deep Sentinel, you can get the best protection for your family and your home. It offers cutting edge AI powered monitoring, and fast police response in 30 seconds or less.

    That means you have peace of mind knowing your home is as secure as possible. If thieves try to break in, they will get deterred by the audio response and police threat.

    Deep Sentinel feeds a live stream directly to responders so they can see what’s happening. This means your home is protected at all times.

    More information can be found at:

    Deep Sentinel is a powerful new home security system that can help to protect the entire family with video AI monitoring and quick response times.

    Home Security Focus provides detailed information on the Deep Sentinel system and what it can offer to homeowners across the US.

    The new guide explains that one of the key features of the Deep Sentinel system is that it provides real-time steps to engage, deter and alert police.

    Deep Sentinel can track the events unfolding in real time, and alert police in 30 seconds or less. This offers additional peace of mind for the customer.

    The system uses a three step process to stop thieves in their tracks. Firstly, the camera detects the event and streams it within seconds to local AI.

    Secondly, live guards watch the stream, so they can verify who is entering or exiting the home instantly. Then they provide an instant response, engaging criminals with two-way audio, and contacting police in seconds.

    Deep Sentinel has conducted research that shows more than 40% of Americans living in cities of 50,000 or more have a police department that does not respond to residential alarms.

    This is where crime verification can make a big difference. The Deep Sentinel home security system can shave valuable seconds off response times thanks to its high quality processing and automation.

    Home Security Focus highlights that the ideal situation would be to: “Provide law enforcement with up-to-the-second details of a verified crime-in-progress when necessary. That’s the solution that would take take the total response time from minutes to seconds. That’s the solution that police would design for themselves and their communities. That’s the solution that prevents and deters a crime instead of just detecting one.”

    This is what Deep Sentinel offers with its home security protection system.

    Full details can be found at: