Why Outdoor Game Lawn Stars Adds Excitement For The Holidays


    Lawn Stars Games has reviewed the Yard Games world since it announced the launch of Lawn Stars back in March 2020. Lawn Stars Game’s outdoor yard game was promised to shake things up and 20 months later, facts are in.

    Previously, with even a passing glance, a person would notice yard games that involved tossing bean bags or rings. The Owner at Lawn Stars Games, Travis Cheney, makes a point of saying “things were always going to change when we launched Lawn Stars”.

    Travis Cheney continues… “Where you’ll likely see competitors doing the same old thing, Lawn Stars wanted to shake things up and make outdoor games more exciting. Lawn Stars did this because the first Stars they cut were actually business cards for their welding and fabrication business. Lawn Stars was surprised when a customer asked for a stack of Stars. Realizing they were on to something, they planned and tested and developed until they had a yard game that will make people want to leave their cornhole set in the shed.. Ultimately they knew it was going to be of huge benefit to their customers because it’s new and never been done before. They even upped the level of excitement by adding a knife throwing game kit as a fun outdoor games option too. (https://www.lawnstarsgames.com/shop) For those that wanted to have ninja skills well now they can with the ninja stars.. Lawn Stars actually hopes others follow suit.”

    Lawn Stars Games was established in March 2020. It has been doing business 1 year and it has always aimed to provide value to their customers and all of their friends that enjoy throwing Lawn Stars as much as they do. All of their materials are made in the USA, and their log targets are made from Idaho pine trees..

    Currently, the closest thing to Lawn Stars is cornhole or lawn darts, but Lawn Stars improved on this by making something brand new and exciting due to the speed of the stars and more control required to hit the target. This alone was enough to make Lawn Stars Game’s outdoor yard game more popular with customers in the Yard Games space, quickly.

    For further information about Lawn Stars Games, this can be discovered at https://www.lawnstarsgames.com