Discover The Hilarious & Moving 3 Egg Creams Play feat. Vince Bandille


    A new call out has been issued for theaters to host the hilarious, thrilling one-man play 3 Egg Creams: A Rhapsody In The Rain. It’s a story of love, and what it means to be human, with a stunning performance from Vince Bandille.

    Theaters on the East Coast looking for something the audiences will love are encouraged to get in touch to book the play. Set to the music of Lou Christie and with a scintillating performance from Vince Bandille, it’s something to remember for months to come.

    Give audiences something they won’t forget and get in touch with Station Avenue Productions today!

    More information can be found at:

    The highly regarded play gives audiences the chance to experience a funny, endearing, and dramatic play that examines what it means to be American.

    Whether audience members grew up on University Avenue in the Bronx, West Philly, or Cedar Falls, there will be something for everyone.

    The play has elements of humor, heartbreak, and is both tough and tender. Vin experiences a transcendent human journey, navigating an age that is redefining the mythos of the American male.

    It’s set to the classic American songs of Lou Christie, whose song “Rhapsody In The Rain” tells of a teenager’s coming of age in the back seat of a car during a rain storm.

    Station Avenue Productions is now looking for theaters to pick up the play so more audiences can experience the story that Lou Christie, Joe Morton, Federico Castelluccio, Cousin Brucie, and so many others have fallen in love with.

    The company is known for its high quality event creation and production services. The event management team produces hundreds of events for all occasions, and are the go-to team for entertainment on the East Coast.

    They state: “Our event and production teams are the best in the business. We keep the entertainers happy. We keep you happy. Most important, we keep the event running smooth as silk no matter what happens.”

    Any theaters interested in booking 3 Egg Creams: A Rhapsody In The Rain are encouraged to get in touch. This play is perfect for cruise ships, small theatres, colleges, and retirement homes.

    Full details can be found on the URL above, or by visiting: