Get Conquest Imaging Next Generation Ultrasound Training For Clinical Engineers


    Are you a student training to become a biomedical or clinical engineer? Are you a Biomedical Equipment Technician looking to earn continuing education credits and upgrade your skills? Conquest Imaging, an MXR Imaging Company has launched a week-long ultrasound preventive maintenance and repair course that helps you upgrade your skills and stay abreast of the latest in ultrasound service methods.


    Advancements in ultrasound imaging technology and the growing need for high-quality imaging services has raised the demand for qualified and industry-certified ultrasound technicians, biomedical & clinical engineers. In this fast-paced industry, staying up to date becomes easy with flexible ultrasound technicians courses from Conquest Imaging.


    Conquest Imaging announced the launch of an all-inclusive ultrasound boot camp training course. The 5-day course features hands-on training that on completion, qualifies you to service ultrasound equipment.


    The ultrasound servicing course covers the basics of ultrasound repair, preventive maintenance, and the multi-vendor DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) standard. The course is taught from a Biomed perspective. Get industry-relevant skills by training on the GE Logiq E9, Vivid E9, Philips iU22, and iE33 platforms.


    The comprehensive ultrasound maintenance program for service technicians includes ACI pre-approved CEU(continuing education units) covering the latest in ultrasound technology. Course modules include practical multi-platform troubleshooting and problem-solving. As a Biomed ultrasound repair course participant, you receive interactive tablet instruction and classroom training from experienced instructors and practitioners.


    The week-long all-inclusive ultrasound technician training prepares you for Certified Biomedical Equipment Technician (CBET) re-certification. You can take these ultrasound courses all year round. Conquest Imaging works with your employer or organization to create customized training programs for you.


    For more information, visit


    The ultrasound products & services company operates two state-of-the-art ultrasound service training centers in Stockton, CA, and Fishers, IN. Conquest Imaging offers Buy-One-Get-One (BOGO) discounts and special rates for veterans and bulk reservations.


    Conquest Imaging an MXR Imaging Company is an ultrasound technology company offering comprehensive ultrasound solutions to the healthcare industry. Founded in the year 2000, the company provides ultrasound servicing, products, refurbishment, training, and 24/7 support for all leading industry platforms. Conquest Imaging holds an ISO 9001:2015 certification.


    Become an ultrasound maintenance professional today with industry-relevant credentials. For more information about continuing education courses for ultrasound maintenance, visit and