Have No Fears On Video Marketing, You Will Never Have To Show Your Face On Youtube


    Making Youtube videos without showing your own face has been made easier with realistic digital spokespersons with life-like voices, just plug in your script and they do the talking for you.

    “For many businesses and at-home entrepreneurs shudder at the thought of being on video promoting products, while watching many people on Youtube do this, they just cannot get past the thought of doing this.” say Harlton Stone, the Marketing Director for How To Make Money With Youtube.

    Our new Youtube Channel provides the training and resources to help entrepreneurs with making videos the easy way, we provide the training on how to set-up your channel, optimize it with keywords and proper layout before you actually make a video to upload to your channel. It all starts with a Gmail Account to set-up your Youtube Channel, and you can add more Channels to this same account if you are promoting more than one product.

    Our featured tools include the Human Synthesys Studio developed by the famous spokesperson, Todd Gross and his partner Oliver Goodwin who launched the product in the summer or 2021. The software is a cloud-based membership product where you produce your video and render it right on the site.

    The software comes with lots of features, but keeps it simple on the steps to produce your video, you just select your model or character, choose a voice and language, copy and paste your script into a box, review the text-to-speech, make your adjustments and you render your video.

    Some of the options include background music, video or image backgrounds, and you can upload your own files too. If you are comfortable recording your own voice, you can do this. The text-to-speech is impeccable in it’s timing as the life-like models speak in perfect timing, you will be amazed.

    We show you some to the best methods on how to optimize your video so that you can outrank anyone in your niche, it’s simple, you target keywords that people are searching for and the competition is low, you will out-rank anyone to the top of Google. Of course there are other methods we will teach you that will help in your rankings.

    Check our video right now and order the Human Synthesys Studio today.