Lumicharge Devices Make The Perfect Addition to Your Home or Office Dècor!


    Many of us had the opportunity to work remotely over the past year, so we got to determine the most ideal office space. For others, our thrown-together office just didn’t do the job (literally). Whether you are working from home or you are back in your company office, consider these ways to make the workspace more appealing:


    Have you ever looked at a piece of artwork and felt an array of emotions that you cannot put into words? There’s something special about enticing visuals that instill a sense of feeling from within. Some artwork can make you happy, sad, frustrated, and even awakened. Art is known to add visual interest to bland spaces. It helps spark creativity and motivates people to get to work. When you have different artwork pieces in your workspace, it also allows you to connect with clients or coworkers in an instant.

    Research shows that viewing artwork, particularly realistic nature scenes, helps workers restore mental energy and reduce stress. Both of these effects boost brain performance. Consider adding bright, colorful artwork, or nature-based paintings to your office space!


    Adding plants to your work environment can have a similar impact as artwork. Rather than imagining those natural spaces, you can create one of your own to enjoy as you power through the grind. Botanicals do more than decorate a desolate corner; they can also freshen up the air and boost your productivity. Some plants that make perfect office décor include aloe vera, peace lily, parlor palms, and anthurium. Aloe vera and anthurium both work as a filter because they pull toxins out of the air to keep your workspace fresh. No matter what plant suits your desires, it will make your workspace more appealing!

    Lumicharge Devices:

    When you step into your office, you don’t want to see cluttered spaces. The most unappealing thing you can do is leave your desk a disaster. That would make your clients uninterested and your employer frustrated. If you want to eliminate clutter and make use of your space, consider adding a multifunctional smart lamp to your décor! You never have to worry about losing track of time, working in a dimly lit space, or having a dead phone. Our smart lamps have built-in universal phone docks to keep any smartphone battery fueled up. Our Lumicharge T2W even has a Bluetooth speaker, so you can set the mood with some calming music or white noise to get into the groove of your assignments! Enhance your workspace now, and explore our entire smart lamp collection!