Support Indiegogo Campaign For Emotional Healing Film For Sexual Abuse Survivors


    Sometimes, being brave means saying you’ve been hurt. Keeping secrets, especially those that have caused you much pain, can spill over and affect your children by how you treat them. By supporting your mental health, you give life to the souls of all those you love.

    You can do this by supporting the latest project of Leah Brown and her film adaptation of the novel, Wanders Pass. The movie discusses the generational effects of abuse and how it shapes the behavior of the victim, and that of their children and grandchildren as well.

    Check out–3# now.

    The newly released project tackles the taboo subject of sexual abuse by family members. Brown, who is also the founder of our studio, says that incestual relationships can cause a profoundly negative effect on the mental health of those who are involved. She explains that even decades-old sexual abuse can manifest itself in unhealthy behaviors in the future, especially through parenting styles.

    This is an insidious cycle of pain, she says.

    Research from the Centers for Disease and Prevention states that one in four girls experience sexual violence in childhood, and one in 13 boys experience sexual abuse as children. Perpetrators are often family members or those closely related to the victims.

    Brothers, sisters, fathers, and mothers – how do we move on when those that hurt us are the ones who are suppose to love us?

    Mental health studies have likewise shown that unless otherwise treated, unresolved sexual abuse can increase a person’s risk for addiction or develop into overly strict or unengaged parenting styles, among others. This suggests that abuse can have a generational effect, with children or grandchildren of sexual violence survivors experiencing other forms of emotional abuse or neglect.

    This is what Wanders Pass reveals while focusing on a young woman’s journey to gain her emotional freedom from her mother’s trauma.

    Through the release of the movie, Brown hopes to inspire other survivors of sexual abuse to find healing, not only for themselves but for their loved ones, too.

    Those wishing to contribute to the project can do so at–3#

    Wanders Pass is set in the 1950s in Oregon and talks about Elise Blath whose life is shattered when a family secret is revealed.

    Brown writes, “All too often survivors of sexual assault suffer silently in despair and feeling abandoned, unheard and unloved. When living with victims of abuse, we oftentimes suffer right along with them.”

    We need your help to show this important message to the world.

    Go to so you can learn more.