The Physics of Climate Change Explained By The Physics of Star Trek Author


    I first met Lawrence M Krauss at a presentation he made in Toronto, Canada a few years back and I was very impressed among other things with his lecture presentation style. Krauss is an globally known American-Canadian theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and international lecturer who previously taught at Arizona State University, Yale University, and Case Western Reserve University.

    Krauss recently launched his new book, “The Physics of Climate Change.” which I found quite understandable as a layperson while still offering true scientific fact to the arguments for the truth of climate change.

    The book was a quick read for me and clearly presented the science of climate change providing all the perspective I needed to understand and assess the foundations and predictions of climate change. I was also excited because the physics finally put an end to the controversy as it reveals that climate change is factual and poses real global threats to our future way of life.

    The narrative, which movingly opens and closes on a Mekong Delta riverboat, lyrically explores the history of how scientists progressed to our current understanding of the Earth’s climate and its future. Replete with informative illustrations, this engaging book will allow readers to assess which climate predictions are firmest and which are more speculative. The Physics of Climate Change is required reading for anyone interested in understanding humanity’s role in the future of our planet.

    This is the 9th book Krauss has authored which includes the science fiction fans’ favourite, “The Physics of Star Trek.” The book’s cover art was created by M. Simonsen.The book is available today at Amazon, Audible, Chapters, Indego, and other booksellers, and is expected to become a big hit with fans of the Climate Change Science community.

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    The Physics of Climate Change sets its main focus on the facts, the processes, the physics of our complex and changing climate, but delivered with eloquence and urgency. Casual readers like us will likely find a particular interest in the recognition of the damage that humans have already caused to our planet and the dire prospects that lie ahead if we do not change course soon. This book further changes the way I look and think about the future for our generations to follow.

    Krauss has a background as a noted physicist, a talented writer, and a scientist deeply engaged with public affairs. I was impressed by the many influential scientists and others who endorse his research and conclusions. “His book deserves wide readership. The book’s eloquent exposition of the science and the threats should enlighten all readers and motivate them to an urgent concern about our planet’s future” says Lord Martin Rees, Astronomer Royal, former president of the Royal Society, author of On the Future: Prospects for Humanity.

    Krauss is not a climate scientist, but neither are most people like us who will be affected by climate change in this century. In the style of his previous books, which aim to make what may seem like complicated forefront science accessible to everyone, he shows in this book how climate change is based on fundamental easy to understand physics, and describes how scientists came to their present understanding, as well as providing numerous illustrations to empirical data that we can use to check our theoretical expectations.

    When we asked about why he wrote the book, Krauss said, “This book is for anyone who has wondered about the basic science behind climate change, how well-grounded it is, how much it relies on complicated model building, etc. It is meant for ‘skeptics’ as well as ‘true believers’, in order to clear up popular confusion regarding climate change and its implications for our future.” Again, I like many others are seeing Krauss’ unique, clear, accurate, and easily accessible perspective of climate science and the risks of global inaction are logical.

    I hope that readers will find this book inspiring to open your eyes to new aspects of the world around us and make what may seems like an intimidating subject enjoyable to learn about. The author creates a narrative of positive optimism I find refreshing. Even considering some of the mishaps during the books writing. The global COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 while devastating allowed Krauss the time and focus needed for to research and write his book for us who truly care about our planet and the future generations.

    Krauss made a point of thanking many of his colleagues including one of my heros in science, Neil deGrasse Tyson. Others included Keith Ogorek, John Dahl, Tony Haymet, Susan Solomon, Dan Schrag, Tony Haymet, Raymond Pierrehumbart, and the late Wallace Broecker. We should also be thankful for his editor and publisher, Adam Bellow, and the Post Hill Press team for seeing Krauss’ vision come to reality as I understand several other publishers turned Krauss down I assume because of potential controversy or low readership. Thankfully we now have a manual for our own personal education as we all fight for the future of the planet and our very way of life.

    You can learn more about Krauss’ books at: