The Water Pilot System Helps Your Car, Auto Wash Lower Water Usage by 15%-25%+


    Reduce, Monitor Water Usage at Car, Auto Wash. Proprietary Water Technology Announced by Water Pilot LLC

    The Water Pilot is a new proprietary water technology that helps monitor and reduce water consumption at car washes. Auto wash businesses have high rates of water usage and with this technology, they can significantly reduce their operating costs. Learn more about Water Pilot here

    Made from medical grade 316 stainless steel and an NSF 61 certified device, the Water Pilot will improve the accuracy of your water meter. Overconsumption of water is a major issue for many types of businesses, but it is of particular concern to car washes that rely on water usage so heavily.

    Most water systems use an internal paddle to measure the amount of volume passing through the system. However, it measures both water and any air pockets within the system. This means that the recorded use volume is higher than the amount of water you actually used.

    The Water Pilot works to remove these air pockets from your system by compressing the air before it passes through the meter. With the Water Pilot installed you’ll only pay for water passing through your system, and not air as well. See how Water Pilot works

    In addition to lower water bills, the Water Pilot can also assist car wash businesses in other ways. The Water Pilot provides real-time monitoring so that users can instantly know when there is an issue with their water system. It also improves water pressure throughout the system, extending the lifespan of your plumbing equipment and appliances.

    The Water Pilot is designed to help any location that uses a significant amount of water each day, such as hotels and restaurants, and particularly car washes. The more water that a location uses, the more air that is passing through the system. According to Water Pilot LLC, “The system mitigates water and sewer annual cost increases, lowers hot water heating costs and helps to extend the lifetime of appliances and plumbing systems.”

    Through several case studies, the Water Pilot has been able to reduce water expenses by 10 to 25 percent. In many instances, properties were able to save thousands of dollars each month on their operating costs just by installing the Water Pilot. See case studies

    To get started with the Water Pilot, interested car wash owners should contact Water Pilot, LLC. You will then begin a 5-step process, which will include analyzing your current water consumption, providing you with an estimate of potential savings, and free installation of the Water Pilot. Water Pilot stands by their products. Any business that doesn’t achieve the estimated results has 60 days to get a full refund.

    Interested or know someone that might be? Learn more about how Water Pilot can save your car, auto wash 15%-25%+ in annual water usage and about our referral program by calling 970-379-9007.