The whoowe mobile app will let your great, great grandchildren talk to you one day


    Whoowe LLC has today announced the launch of its new YouTube Channel, which focuses on the subject of Family history & Legacy preservation and their revolutionary new app for passing on your ancestry information. The Whoowe Legacy Channel is aimed at People who are interested in ancestry products, those who enjoy recording their family history, people that keep diaries, enjoy making home videos, posting daily selfies, and telling their personal story to pass on to their future family members. Whoowe LLC introduced their new app, whoowe, in 2020. The app provides an easy to use, secure, new tool for creating a voice interactive video biography that will engage and entertain future generations in virtual face to face conversation.

    Parents, grandparents, genealogists, historians, tech lovers, family history buffs, and ancestry enthusiasts looking for the latest information on new technologies for passing on their story are invited to subscribe to the new YouTube channel by Whoowe LLC. The channel provides guidance and information on this exciting new app, tutorials, new video ads, and more.

    Whoowe LLC already has several videos airing with more being added regularly.

    Passing on your personal story to your future family members is more important than most of us realize. It provides a grounding and foundation to children to know where they came from and the unique people that made them possible. Studies show that children who know their family and cultural history are generally happy and healthier, both mentally and physically. The whoowe mobile app wants to help people remember where they come from in a whole new way! The app let’s the user build an interactive video biography that friends, family, and future generations can actually talk to. Future family members can choose an ancestor profile in their connected family tree, and ask the profile questions about their life, experiences, and story. The profile comes to life and answers the questions with pre recorded video responses as if in a face to face video call. It provides an intimate, accurate, and truly amazing experience in learning about your loved ones. Imagine the impact of being able to speak with an ancestor that lived 100 years ago, as if they were alive today. The things you could learn about them, and about yourself. There is no better way to learn about someone than in a face to face conversation. That’s the experience whoowe aims to bring your children and grandchildren.

    Since their YouTube Channel launch 2021, viewers and subscribers can view all the latest videos here:

    Dan Qualiano, CEO & Founder at Whoowe LLC said: “The whoowe mobile app gives the world a new tool to show your future loved ones who you were in an intimate and personal way. It let’s a user create a voice interactive video biography of themselves that their loved ones will absolutely cherish. It gives future generations an experience beyond any photo album, diary, or home video in learning about the wonderful people that came before them.”

    Fans and viewers are encouraged to watch the videos, subscribe to the channel for regular updates and help spread the word through social media. Those interested in Ancestry, Family history and Legacy preservation products are urged to download this new app and get started creating an unforgettable record of themselves that their loved ones will cherish for generations. Whoowe is available for free on both Google Play and the App Store. Whoowe LLC fans and supporters, can subscribe to the YouTube channel here

    Alternatively, interested parties are able to learn more about Whoowe LLC directly at their website: