VidBullet Online Marketing Automated Video Maker Tool Review


Chris Munch from PressCable announced the upcoming launch of VidBullet, a new online marketing video maker tool that is completely automated and allows users to create professionally-looking videos within just a couple of minutes.

According to hte official launch page, the new software features a number of high-quality templates that each user can customize to their preferences to make a top-class video for their online marketing campaigns. The development team has been very active in bringing new templates and features every single month and enhancing the beta version of the product. VidBullet also features an optional voiceover function.

Users can make videos within 3 minutes by simply uploading preferred media files  (images or videos) and adding text as part of their video content. The platform makes the movie creation and editing process extremely easy and leads to amazing results that impress even professional marketing experts and video making and creating pros.

VidBullet is constantly evolving to provide more opportunities for business owners, marketers, bloggers, ecommerce owners to share their message in an engaging video format and grab the attention of their target audience.

The new VidBullet tool also enables users to post their stunning videos directly on platforms like Vimeo, YouTube and on various blogs thus getting more visibility for businesses and reaching bigger audiences.

The launch is scheduled for December 6.  Interested parties can learn more about this next generation software by visiting the product launch page at