High Tech Coffee Makers; Gear Up Your Energy, Save Money and Enjoy the Perfect Cup of Coffee, Everytime

Goodbye Starbucks, Hello Variety with the Nescafe Dolce Gusto
Goodbye Starbucks, Hello Variety with the Nescafe Dolce Gusto

Not only is it impossible to find the time to make it to the coffee shop in the morning, but those $7 lattes have to be killing your wallet. A small one time investment for a coffee maker is a great way to have coffee ready and waiting for you in the morning and to bust the recession. Forget standing in line and being overcharged at Starbucks, look into these top of the line barista machines and let that sweet smell of java energize you in the morning.

Nescafe Dolce Gusto

If you aren’t the type that follows routine and goes with the same cup of coffee everyday, then you will fall in love with the Nescafe Dolce Gusto. It brews everything from espressos to lattes to Americanos in single cup servings, thus you don’t have to wait a half hour to get your coffee boost in the morning. It makes as delectable of a cup of coffee that you will find in any shop, and won’t ask for a tip on a job well done. You can become your own barista after throwing down around $170 for the Nescafe Dolce Gusto.

Francis Francis! X7

If a latte just isn’t enough to get you going in the morning, then this is the gadget for you. The cream-topped espressos are so easy to make that your dog could do it, and you will probably end up running to work, rather than driving after the undeniable jolt of energy. Guzzle down a shot of espresso just seconds after dragging yourself out of bed in the morning with the Francis Francis! X7. Be ready to dish out the cash though, as this high tech gadget comes in at around $400. But think of the money you will save on gas!

Krups KM 4065

If you fancy yourself a little bit of a coffee connoisseur, then this is the drip machine for you. While normal pot brewing machines slowly drip one drop of water at a time into the coffee grounds, this brewer is built more like a rainforest. It showers the coffee grounds with a heavy dose of water which ensures that every little bit of flavor and dose of caffeine is directed right into your cup. No more wasted coffee grounds or lack of energy for you. The price is even more appealing as you can get the perfect pot of coffee for just under $100.

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