Microsoft Announces New Cache App as Simple Clipboard Manager


Microsoft’s Garage Project has a new app in-development: Cache. The app is described as a “simple clipboard manager” by the company. The app aims to help people better organize their content and curate it. Cache is not available to everyone, and users will need to sign up for the invite-only program to give the app a test-drive.

The app allows users to keep multiple clips in one place through a copy and paste function. Users will be able to neatly keep track of all of their clips and reuse them later as needed.

Clips will be able to be organized in a visually appealing, easy-to-access interface. Users can organize their clips by projects, clients or tasks. Web pages, text and images as well as reference materials and notes will be able to be kept inside of Cache.

Content added to a user’s collection will be available instantly on iOS and Windows devices for streamlined usage of all clips across devices.

All copied material has its reference available that allows users to quickly go back to the source of the original content.

Cache is an exciting feature for Windows users. The idea of integrating the feature into Windows 10 leads to endless possibilities, with Cache being deeply integrated into the operating system. Microsoft’s notification center already allows users to be able to take notes in OneNote, and a move forward may be Cache.

The app is an interesting option, and it would allow Microsoft to compete with Google Keep and Evernote.

Features and functionality as well as how much resources Microsoft will put into Cache remains unseen. A sign up for an invite is available, and it requires just an e-mail address and intended use of the app to be invited.

It will be interesting to see how Cache competes against Evernote and Google Keep in functionality.

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Stephanie Caudle is a mother, wife, author, AIDS advocate and Web Marketing Consultant. She seeks to inspire, encourage and motivate young women. A former ambassador for Source Hip Hop Magazine and the iconic brand (RED) Stephanie continues to hold true to her entertainment roots as the Managing Editor of her own site "She’s My Superwoman", a website dedicated to showcasing women in health, fitness, fashion, politics, entertainment and business who have overcome great obstacles in order to become the women they are today.