Sindr App Helps Users Find Closest Confessionals


Catholics have a new way to find confessionals to confess their sins. A new app called “Sindr” has launched in Scotland to boost Confessions and mass attendance. The app includes interactives maps with the closest churches so that users can go and confess their sin.

Users can scroll through parishes in their area much like they can do on Tinder, the dating app.

The app, developed by Musemantik, is scheduled to launch in 2017. Users will tap a button and can find the nearest Confession and Holy Mass. Weekly spiritual inspirations will be sent to the app, too.

The app is a benefit to local churches, as it will increase attendance numbers and help younger Catholics engage with the church. Weekly spiritual and motivational quotes are also sent via the app.

Sindr’s formal name is “The Catholic App,” but “Sindr” is quickly catching on among users.

The app’s launch was announced on Vatican Radio by Leo Cushley, Edinburgh’s Archbishop. He stated, “The idea was really inspired by the Holy Father himself.” Musemantik’s software guides users from their current location to the nearest Catholic Church.

Cushley launched the app, following his appearance on Vatican Radio, at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.

Pope Francis inspired churches to move to technology to attract and assist congregations. Sindr is a move forward and is the first “confession” app to hit the market. The app’s official launch is early 2017. Five dioceses in Scotland have displayed interest in buying the technology from Musemantik.

St. Andrews and Edinburgh archdioceses will receive the app first. The two encompass 110 parishes over 2,000 square miles. The app’s initial applause and showing was positive. The Catholic Church believes the app will be a hit among users.

This year is the Jubilee Year of Mercy. The Church has experienced an uptick in members wanting to go to confessional and give confession to a priest they don’t know.