The 5.11 Tactical Series UC3 400; The Last Rechargeable Flashlight You Will Ever Need?

Never Lose Rover in the Night Again
Never Lose Rover in the Night Again

What is not to love about flashlights? Everyone needs at least one, or even ten, lying around the house at all times. Whether you think the power might go out, the kids might be scared or just like the way they look, flashlights have been one of the “it” gadgets for quite some time now. The annoying part is how quickly they die out or how often the batteries need to be changed. It always seems that whenever you actually need a flashlight, it doesn’t even work. Well those days are over. If you are looking for a reliable and high powered flashlight, you dream has come true with the 5.11 Tactical Series UC3 400. Many experts have called it the last flashlight you will ever need.

Power and Long Lasting

The 5.11 boasts a pretty powerful 90 lumens over the span of a 90 minute charge. The company itself makes the pretty powerful claim that it the gadget itself will last for up to 50,000 recharges. Essentially that means you can charge the UC3 400 every day for the next 135 years. Long enough to keep your life lit up, as well as your grandkids’.

Now this doesn’t mean that you have to charge it for 90 minutes every time. The storage system takes advantage of ultracapacitor energy which allows it to charge up in just a minute and a half. What if the power goes out? No problem. The 5.11 UC3 400 also comes with a 12V DC charger that is completely automatic in case a storm hits just a bit too hard, or you forget to pay your electricity bill.

Worth the Price?

Whether you buy into the fact that it is said to last for 50,000 recharges remains to be seen, however, the ten year warranty should be more than enough to persuade you. The price may seem a little step at around $170, but think of the battery savings that are sure to come about over that time? Is it completely worth it? Ask yourself the same question the next time you reach for a flashlight, and all you can find is a fancy tea candle.

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