Anti-Trump Game: “You Have the Power to Help Defeat Trump!”

2394 and Jane McGonigal have teamed up to offer an anti-Trump election game. The game, whose motto is “You have the power to help defeat Trump!,” is designed to help swing voters in the presidential election.

The game is modeled after Pokémon Go’s mobile game, and it has lured in thousands of players since its release. Users can log into the game directly from their Facebook account.

The game is aptly named “Swing Voter Go.”

Creative and surprisingly fun, McGonigal helped design the game with specific tools to help undecided voters pick a candidate. Users will visit the map of a swing state based off of their network, and all of a user’s friends and family members in the state will be listed. These users are suggested based on people who are likely to vote.

Lures, much like in Pokémon, can be dropped to get undecided friends to join in on the conversation with the user. Lures can be dropped on social media sites, and users will be able to customize lures, too.

Followers and friends will be able to like or leave replies to the lure in an effort to start a conversation on the next president of the United States.

The game is careful to leave only lures that are neutral. Lures won’t scream out at friends, saying “vote for Hillary.” All lures are designed to be “safe,” according to the game’s “how to,” and users can add people into a “collect’em” list. This list will allow users to narrow down users that they’ll pursue in the “swing’em” phase.

Swingballs are used to motivate people to get out and vote – presumably for Hillary Clinton.

Players will engage in one-on-one conversations through the game to try and swing undecided voters to defeat Trump. Swing Voter Go will not capture any user friend data in an effort to help users maintain their privacy.