Worklife Startup Acquired by Cisco for Undisclosed Sum


Cisco has acquired Worklife, a collaborative software startup, and appears to be a perfect fit for the brand. The company’s main goal was to improve online meetings, a process that Cisco has been focusing on for years.

Cisco Spark will add the members of the Worklife team to their company in an effort to bolster Spark’s offerings.

Worklife makes it easier for companies to schedule meetings. Users will be able to control their entire day and add agendas for meetings. Notes can be added to agendas, too, in an effort to ensure all agendas are adhered to and the conversation remains on track. Tasks to cover can also be added to an agenda.

Real-time note taking allows the entire team to stay on the same page.

Related meetings can be linked together, allowing for a better understanding of the meeting agendas and which topics were previously discussed. Meeting templates can also be created, allowing for a quick and easy way to schedule new meetings in the future.

Calendar integration allows all meeting schedules to be synced via Google Calendar and Microsoft Office 365.

Cisco’s Spark aims to integrate much of this functionality into their offering. Real-time note taking, agenda templates and track calendars are on the top of the list for integration.

Cisco has announced that Worklife’s free offering will continue to be offered at this time.

The financial details of the deal haven’t been announced.

Cisco also announced that “Worklife’s current online meeting software will continue to be offered for free to customers. In fact, all Worklife customers, both free and paid, will now enjoy the functionality of the paid version for free.”

Paid users will benefit from the same service offering for free.

Cisco has purchased several companies this year, and small companies have been purchased to integrate their offerings into Cisco products. Cisco has made a significant push into the cloud with the $293 million acquisition of CloudLock.