With all the news in the video game world seemingly focused on Project Natal, Sony is trying to fight back. They have come out with a press release discussing the fact that the PS3 will one day be able to use the same type of technology, but with a very interesting twist.
Essentially what gamers will be able to do is take any object around the house, save it to a file by rotating in front of the camera and then use it as a motion controlled wand. Sounds pretty ridiculous, and almost unnecessary in a way but who hasn’t been trying to find some use for their unused coasters on the coffee table. Better yet, imagine playing MLB: The Show with an actual full sized bat. Oh the YouTube videos that are sure to follow should provide hours of entertainment. How long will it take before someone actually thinks it is funny to play Grand Theft Auto with a loaded pistol?
While there are no full details on the project or information on when the update will be released, there is one thing that is for certain. Flat screen repair shops will be laughing all the way to the bank if the technology takes off. Remember how many Nintendo Wii owners were sending their remotes flying into their big screen TV’s? One can only imagine just how many beer bottles, pool cues and Pomeranians will end up soaring through the air, while people try to beat their old high scores in an all new way.
Keep your ears open and your eyes peeled for more updates from Sony during the upcoming Develop Conference that will take place July 14th