Crypto Companies NAGA & Ontology Join Forces To Support Real Business...

In an official press release, the German publicly listed FinTech company NAGA Development Association Ltd announce the start of a long-term strategic partnership with...

Startup ICON Vulcan 3D Printer Builds $10K Houses in Less Than...

American Startup ICON presented a new model of its ultra lot-cost 3D-printed home at SXSW in Austin, Texas. The company Vulcan 3D printer can...

Institute for Artificial Intelligence Project Alexandria To Pursue Common Sense For...

Microsoft co-founder and philanthropist, Paul G. Allen, pledged $125 million to the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2) and commitment to support a new...

The Buy In: Shark-Tank Style Blockchain Technology TV Show

'The Buy In' is the TV's first game show based on blockchain, exclusively premiering on LiveTree's online channel - BlossomTV. The TV Show is a...

Elon Musk’s Tesla Roadster Could Pose Contamination Risks To Mars, Warn...

Scientists at Purdue University have released a statement warning of possible contamination risk that Elon Musks’ sports car could pose if it lands or...

Huawei to Announce the P20 Lineup Mobile Devices Specs, Price &...

Huawei is set to officially release the P20 lineup (P20 Lite, P20, P20 Pro) with full specifications, features and price details on March 27...

Apple Watch App Updates Now Allow Users to Monitor & Track...

Apple Inc has announced new app updates for the Apple Watch Collection three, that are focused on monitoring various ski and snowboard metrics. Utilizing the...

Miso Robotics Burger-Flipping Robot Flippy Appointed Grill Cook At CaliBurger Got...

When at the beginning of March Miso Robotics, a leading robotics and artificial intelligence solutions company announced the public debut of their autonomous robotic...

Ludia & Universal To Release Pokemon Go Jurassic World Alive Mobile...

Universal in a collaboration with the game developer Ludia have announced the release of a mobile game Jurassic Park Live, which is a new...

Venezuela Releases A Free Training Course on ‘Petro’ Cryptocurrency for Citizens

The Venezuelan government of President Nicolas Maduro announced that it has released a free training course for citizens which will familiarize citizens with issues...