The Best Home Theatres on the Market; Affordable, Mid Range and Top of the Line Home Theatre Systems.

Spruce up your Pad with a Home Theatre
Spruce up your Pad with a Home Theatre

When it comes to decorating your home in the newest products and finest gadgets, you simply cannot ignore a quality home theatre system. The difference it can make on your entire living room is infinite and whether you are into music, television or movies, these are three of the best home theatres you can look into, depending on your price range and home theatre budget.

Affordable yet Effective

If you are on a tight budget, and are more focused on other parts of your home, then a great option is the Samsung HT-DB390. For the price you simply cannot ignore the qualities and features that it has. The Samsung HT-DB390 can hook into a cable box, play CD’s, AM/FM Radio and can even play MP3 and WMA files. Overall the sound is pretty high quality considering that the entire system comes in at around $400.

Of course there are better products on the market, but if you want top of the line sound, you are going to have to pay top dollar. With the Samsung HT-DB390 the sound from the rear speakers can be almost inaudible, but the front speakers and the bass from the subwoofer can more than handle your favourite tunes. For the price, you simply cannot argue with the Samsung HT-DB390 Home Theatre System.

Save up a Paycheck or Two for this Home Theatre System

If you are willing to dish out a little more money from your pocket for a high quality home experience, then look no further than the KEF KIT100 Instant Theatre. KEF manufactures and sells the complete system for around $1,500, so it will set you back a bit more than the Samsung, but you will be able to hear, and feel, the difference. This home theatre is as slick looking as it sounds as well.

The speakers are die cast aluminium and the subwoofer will cover you in a true surround sound experience. This in large part thanks to the high tech acoustics involved in the system and the flat panel speakers that have an ability to bounce sound off of your walls. At $1,500, the KEF KIT100 Instant Theatre is a bit pricier, but if you want to impress your friends, it will be worth it. The problem is, they may never leave.

Willing to take out a Second Mortage?

Maybe you have got the money to dish out on a top of the line home theatre system, or maybe it just doesn’t matter. For some of us sound quality is just too important to mess around with, and that is why companies like JAMO produce systems such as the JAMO 2F Home Cinema System. This system has it all. It is the complete package when it comes to your home theatre needs.

You can instantly set up the fully integrated and high definition package, which brings with it a 42 inch plasma TV that is also wide screen. The system also comes with a DVD Player and A/V receiver combined into one, five speakers, a subwoofer and A3 speakers that can be mounted on the wall or stand on the floor.

If you are willing to pay the $9,000 plus price tag for this incredible system, then you are not going to regret it. It provides better sound than most other home theatres on the market, looks sexy and is incredibly easy to use. Sometimes price can mean nothing when you have the ability to add something this good to your home décor.

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