7 C
New York
Monday, March 10, 2025
Page 31
This is breaking news, in a way, but is not surprising at all. Apple has decided to block the ability for Palm Pre phones to sync up with iTunes 8. I am in no way surprised by Apple’s “Microsoft Style Tactics” (although I think it is safe to say that even Microsoft wouldn’t go this low) but I am...
Apple is on its way to becoming one of, if not the, most dominating cell phone providers on the market. The company is not there yet but they have to be comfortable with the direction they are headed. And if you, the consumer, aren’t convinced that Apple is the innovative leader then just take a look at the mobile...
To put it lightly, Blockbuster has been taking a beating over the last little while thanks to on demand movies and companies such as Netflix. It appears they aren’t going to take the losses sitting down though and are ready to fight back. Blockbuster recently inked a deal with Samsung that will ensure that Blockbuster’s OnDemand service will come...
Technology and gadgets are a lot like friends. We love to have them or it around, and they can be entertaining, but when you have had enough, they just don’t seem to know when to go away. Some gadgets are like the friend on your couch who said he would only stay for a week, and that was 6...
It really seems like hundreds of patents are flying out every day. Truth be told, this doesn’t really mean we will see the new idea, invention, or gadget any time soon. The patent process is just a way for companies to guarantee that an idea is theirs, before they even decide if it will work, or sell. Doesn’t it...
Do you remember a post a few days ago? We were discussing new applications for computers and wondering just how far technology will go. At the time we joked about just how far USB related products would go. There is already a microwave, so how far off could something like the iCar be? Well the whole USB product conversation...
Ever come across some fancy little gadget or outfit you wanted to buy, but didn’t have the cash on you or left your credit card at home? Apparently that isn’t going to be a problem for much longer. A senior vice president with the Ericsson Mobile Phone Company has stated that within a year all mobile phones will come...
It has been said many times that people who purchase enormous flat screen TV’s, oversized LCD screens or luxury cars are simply compensating for something. Another popular saying is that big things do indeed come in small packages. It seems that every major technology company is trying to go smaller, go greener or become more efficient in some facet...
Every day it seems that mobile technology and the people that use it reach new highs, or shall we say lows. We have finally gotten to the point where people grab onto their Blackberry while at the bar, not just to answer phone calls, but to change their status on Facebook. Advances in mobile technology were supposed to make...
With all the news in the video game world seemingly focused on Project Natal, Sony is trying to fight back. They have come out with a press release discussing the fact that the PS3 will one day be able to use the same type of technology, but with a very interesting twist. Essentially what gamers will be able to do...
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