Apple Reinvents Guerilla Tactics; Apple Blocks Use of iTunes with Palm...

This is breaking news, in a way, but is not surprising at all. Apple has decided to block the ability for Palm Pre phones...

Apple App Store gets 1.5 Billion Application Downloads; Can Anyone Compete?

Apple is on its way to becoming one of, if not the, most dominating cell phone providers on the market. The company is not...

Blockbuster and Samsung Team Up to Try and Take Down NetFlix

To put it lightly, Blockbuster has been taking a beating over the last little while thanks to on demand movies and companies such as...

5 Annoying and Useless Gadgets and Applications

Technology and gadgets are a lot like friends. We love to have them or it around, and they can be entertaining, but when you...

Nokia Patents Wearable Phone Control Technology; Innovation or a Step Backwards?

It really seems like hundreds of patents are flying out every day. Truth be told, this doesn’t really mean we will see the new...

The USB Powered Chainsaw; What More Could You Ask For? Cut...

Do you remember a post a few days ago? We were discussing new applications for computers and wondering just how far technology will go....

Cell Phones and Credit Cards Combined; Do We Really Need this...

Ever come across some fancy little gadget or outfit you wanted to buy, but didn’t have the cash on you or left your credit...

The Kopin Corporation is Changing the Way We Watch TV; Miniature...

It has been said many times that people who purchase enormous flat screen TV’s, oversized LCD screens or luxury cars are simply compensating for...

Absolut Drinkspiration; Mobile Technology and Alcohol Create Another Love Child

Every day it seems that mobile technology and the people that use it reach new highs, or shall we say lows. We have finally...

All New Technology for the PS3; New Updates from Sony Could...

With all the news in the video game world seemingly focused on Project Natal, Sony is trying to fight back. They have come out...