The TomTom GO 940 Live; A Sat Nav you can rely on

Traffic and Route Advice without the Confusion
Traffic and Route Advice without the Confusion

The first thing you need to know is that the TomTom GO 940 LIVE does not come cheap. It is going to set you back and make your wallet feel a lot lighter, but the price does not come without benefits. The Hi-Def traffic alerts, and all the little extras, can help ease the pain of the price and make your everyday life and road trips a lot easier. The main feature that TomTom takes pride in is the High-Definition Traffic service that constantly updates you on traffic alerts and road problems, or lack thereof that surround you.

Whether you are making the daily trek to the office, grocery store or heading on a family vacation, the TomTom GO 940 LIVE can help you get there, without all the stress.  The only drawbacks, for now, are the price and the fact that the system is not available in the USA as of it. It has been released in the UK, but should be available in the USA soon, as it already contains detailed maps of all of North America.

Get Where you Need to be, Faster

Unlike other Sat Navs, the traffic alerts are reliable and up to date. They are not your usual out of date RDS updates. The system tracks the movements and driving decisions made by mobile users and notifies you of which roads and highways are overcrowded and which routes can make your trip easier. The system also gives up to the minute feedback on weather, allows you to use Google search functions, and can give you insider information on where you can purchase the cheapest gas in your area. If you take advantage of that feature, then you may be able to take a serious chunk out of the seemingly over top price tag.

Detail, Detail, Detail

While other navigation systems can confuse more than they help, the TomTom GO 940 gives detailed on screen information along with clear and concise vocal instructions to get you on time more often. The maps are exquisite and as detailed as you could possibly hope for. The voice recognition system is a little flawed and you will have to speak more like a robot than a human for the computer to understand, but that has to be expected.

Boring? Maybe. Reliable and Full of Features? Absolutely

With the purchased of the TomTom GO 940 Live, you will usually get a free three month subscription to the LIVE services, and after that there will be a monthly fee, which is unknown as of yet for North American consumers. In the end, this sat nav system does not look all that pretty or high tech, in fact it can be described as a little bit boring. However the lack of effort put into the flashy design of the system, allowed TomTom to put a lot more effort and features into the actual usability. If you can come up with the cash or find the price tag reasonable, the TomTom GO 940 could become your very best friend in a short matter of time.

Have fun, enjoy the features and keep your eyes on the road.

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