Codementor Raises $1.6 Million to Grow Its Marketplace


Codementor, a startup that offers mentors for programmers and companies, is building out its only network of software developers. The network connects the top freelancers and companies to offer the best talent from some of the top names in the world.

The company has experts in web, mobile and offers is an effortless way for companies to connect with competent developers.

Companies contact the Codementor to discuss their needs, and professionals are recommended based on the requirements discussed.

The company raised $1.6 million in funding, with a previous funding round of $1.2 million. Codementor’s main service provides on-demand help from tech experts with text, video and screen sharing. Experts help developers build projects faster and solve urgent issues quickly.

Beginner codes and experts alike use the company’s mentors to help resolve issues they face.

The company’s CodementorX is an expansion from the normal one-on-one mentoring the company offers. CodementorX is the next stage for the company. This sector will be expanded to include enhanced matching algorithms that match top experts with programmers or companies that need a top freelancer for their project.

Freelance opportunity matching includes only the top 2% of mentors on the platform. The company utilizes a strict peer-review process and a video interview before mentors can start using the service.

CodementorX’s invite-only marketplace is meant to be an “elite” marketplace that includes the top engineers from Silicon Valley, Stack Overflow contributors, and experienced freelancers. A project management assistance system allows CodementorX developers to work seamlessly with project managers.

A majority of the developers are from the US, Europe and Asia.

WI Harper led the funding round. The group calls itself a cross-border investor with investments in the Greater China and U.S. markets. The group mains $1 billion in invested capital with 300 early-stage startups funding by WI Harper.

Codementor is based in Mountain View and maintains a development office in Taiwan.